Journal — Yoga Practice

Fast or Slow Yoga Practice? How to find your ideal yoga flow!

Yoga Practice

Fast or Slow Yoga Practice? How to find your ideal yoga flow!

To outsiders, yoga is just yoga. It’s not until you join the yoga club that you realise that, just like yoga pants, there’s a whole world of styles out there to choose from! When trying to decipher which style of yoga is right for you, the speed of the yoga flow is likely be a factor. Here are some things to consider when deciding whether to opt for a fast or slow yoga flow:     What’s the difference between a fast and slow yoga flow? A faster flowing yoga practice tends to be, what is referred to in the...

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Yoga + Breathing - Why breath is such a big deal in yoga

Mindfulness Yoga Practice Yoga For Health

Yoga + Breathing -  Why breath is such a big deal in yoga

Go to one of the many yoga classes on offer and you’ve probably noticed how many times you get reminded to breath. The link between yoga and breathing is a big deal in the yoga world, but why exactly?! You may be thinking at this point, ‘well breathing is a pretty big deal to me in general, you know, to avoid unpleasant side effects such as dying’. So why is this already involuntary reflex highlighted as such an important element to any self respecting yoga practice? Why is there so much focus on breathing in yoga? A lot of yoga...

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Everything You Need To Know To Practice Yoga At Home

Yoga Practice

Everything You Need To Know To Practice Yoga At Home

Everything you need to know about practicing yoga at home if you’re a complete beginner You’re interested in giving this whole yoga thing a try, but maybe right now you don’t feel like you have the time, money or perhaps confidence to go to a yoga class. The good news is that practicing yoga at home is not only possible, but with a little bit of preparation, can be simple and easy. Here’s our Blossom Yoga Wear guide to giving yoga a try at home, even when you’re a complete beginner!     1. Keep it simple It really doesn’t need to...

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Yoga Q+A: The answer to those random yoga questions we’ve ALWAYS wondered about

Yoga Practice

Yoga Q+A: The answer to those random yoga questions we’ve ALWAYS wondered about

Why is savasana (corpse pose) the most important yoga pose? The experts always say it’s the most important yoga pose, just like breakfast is meant to be the most important meal of the day.  But why? Whether you’re practicing at home or in a studio, sometimes it’s so tempting to skip it right?! When you’ve managed to find some time to yourself to do a little yoga, it’s easy to think, do I really want to spend 5 to 10 minutes of that just lying there. So here’s exactly why corpse pose is an essential asana in your practice: Savasana...

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Yoga Better For Back Pain Than Over-the-Counter Painkillers

Yoga Practice Yoga For Health

Yoga Better For Back Pain Than Over-the-Counter Painkillers

New research shows yoga is better than over-the-counter painkillers at relieving back pain. It seems that more and more these days science is proving the beneficial healing powers of therapeutic treatments for your body, versus popping a pill. Now new research published in the journal of the American Medical Association has found that if you’re suffering from back pain, yoga can be just as useful as recognised treatments like cognitive behavioural therapy. What’s more both might be better than simply popping a pill!   The power of mindfulness for pain relief. Researchers at the Group Health Research Institute got 229...

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