Journal — Yoga Practice
4 reasons why we LOVE summer yoga at Blossom Yoga Wear

Yoga For Sleep: Bedtime yoga for rest and relaxation Blossom Yoga Wear UK

We all know that getting a good night’s sleep is pretty important, as it’s during this time that our body and mind restores itself. To wake up feeling refreshed and at the top of our game, we need between 7 and 9 hours sleep a night. Yet a recent survey found almost three quarters of Brits are actually getting less than 7 hours of shut eye, with stress sited as the biggest reason keeping people awake. As research shows yoga is an effective tool for tackling anxiety and promoting relaxation, some simple bedtime yoga could be the solution. 3...
Yoga in schools could be the answer to combatting kids anxiety.
Yoga Practice Yoga For Health Yoga Trends

Exam stress, so called “growing pains”, cyber’s no wonder that according to a survey by the Association of School and College Leaders, 55% of schools have reported a rise in stress and anxiety levels amongst their pupils. But could yoga become an effective tool to help combat that? Hell yeah! Here at Blossom Yoga Wear we’re convinced it can, that’s why we support a campaign to try and get yoga on the UK National Curriculum. Now a new study can be added to the growing list of research which highlights the range of benefits that yoga and...
The 7 most common misconceptions about people who practice yoga

We set the record straight on some of the biggest myths and stereotypes surrounding yoga. The yoga stereotype is so strong that for a minute it even had us convinced we clearly weren’t doing this whole yoga thing right. Then we met the other women and men in our yoga class and realised that they’re not Budha either. Phew! It’s no wonder that non yoga types often make these 7 all too common mistakes:1. A sense of humour is allowedWe don’t take it all quite as seriously as you may think. We’re fully capable of cracking a smile, having a...
How to squeeze the most out of your yoga practice Blossom Yoga Wear UK

Whether you’re a seasoned pro who dedicates hours every day (although let’s face it...ain’t nobody got time for that), or you can only spare 15 minutes, there are always ways to make sure you’re getting the most out of your yoga practice. Both on and off the mat, a few additions here and the odd tweaks there, can ensure your yoga routine stretches that little bit further. # Use PropsA lot of experienced yogis are hesitant to use props, yet the wide variety on the market can really support your practice. Some days your body may need a helping hand...