Journal — Yoga Fun
6 Embarrassing Yoga Moments That Can Happen To Anyone!
From wardrobe malfunctions to natural bodily functions, not every yoga session is an #instaperfect glamour fest! Yoga may be above all else about self love and acceptance, but that doesn’t stop us from becoming a little red faced when one of these embarrassing yoga moments happen to us. But don’t fret, we’re all only human and this catalogue of cringe worthy yoga blips are pretty darn common in classes up and down the country… via GIPHY 1. Wobbly bits falling out Whether it’s a boob or two that goes astray or your wobbly bits coming loose from your...
The 5 Funniest and Cutest Yoga Videos EVER!
You’ve probably gathered by now, that here at Blossom Yoga Wear we don’t like to take life too seriously. Whilst the practice of yoga is one of our favourite tools to keep the body and mind in check, we find nothing quite lightens the soul like a good old cute or funny yoga video. So if you’re looking for a 5 minute pick me up, check out our countdown of the 5 best yoga videos to raise your spirits and have you in stitches. 5. Little Kid Yoga They’re the future of yoga and they’re pretty darn adorable! With evidence pointing...