Give your yoga routine a spring clean with these 5 fresh tips for a new season

Yoga Practice Yoga Wear

The weather may make it seem otherwise, but spring really is just around the corner.

It’s at this time of year that we think about cleansing, to make way for a fresh new start. Let’s face it, after months of darkness and cold spells that would make even the hardened Jon Snow shiver (despite his wooly Ikea rug wrapped around him), this fresh new season can’t come soon enough. In anticipation of the change, here at Blossom Yoga Wear we’ve put together some top tips to help put a spring in the step of your yoga routine.

# 1. Fire Breath

Kapalabhati Pranayama or "Cleaning Breath", also referred to as the breath of fire thanks to it’s powerfully revitalising effects, is exactly the purifying breath that spring calls for. Made up from short sharp exhales and passive inhales, it increases blood circulation and helps to remove toxins as we take in fresh air.

# 2. Incorporate Nature

In spring it’s easier to notice the pretty miraculous work of Mother Nature. When we start to see life bloom again, we all become that little bit more grateful. Incorporate nature into your practice with something as simple as fresh flowers, or collect a pretty object from outdoors that’s caught your eye. Then bring the mindfulness intention to your practice of contemplating just how interconnect we all are to nature.

Galaxy Glamour Print Yoga Pants Blossom Yoga Wear

# 3. Brighten up your yoga wardrobe

We definitely love our trusty black high waisted yoga leggings, but it’s time to start thinking about introducing some colour into your yoga gear. Fully embrace the feel of spring by adding a little flower power to your next yoga practice. Check out some of these fresh offerings, including Pranayamadise floral yoga pants, I’ve Got The Flower printed capri pants, and our Blooming Marvellous yoga pants.

# 4. Asana’s perfect for spring

Adding some dynamic poses to your practice is a great way to shift the lethargy of winter. Anything that stimulates and invigorates is ideal. Sun Salutations are the perfect start to your routine, in order to get the blood pumping and oxygen flowing around your body. Incorporate plenty of twists, which can help your body to flush out toxins. Backbends, like bridge, wheel or camel are also fantastic energisers, which open the heart.

I've Got the Flower Capri Yoga Legging from Blossom Yoga Wear

# 5. Detoxifying juice

Why not finish up your routine with a delicious detox juice. We love this raw healing green juice from The Awesome Green, which blends together apples, lime, celery, spinach, parsley and nettles, for an energising burst of vitamins and minerals, in just a few minutes. Yum.

Green Juice Recipe

Spring...we’re ready for you!

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